

    近日,我院教师林明水副教授研究团队在国际SSCI/SCI学术期刊《Sustainability》(影响因子2.05)、SCI学术期刊《Applied Ecology and Environmental Research》(影响因子0.706)在线发表研究成果。其中,论文《Spatial Diffusion of Taiwan Enterprises in Mainland China under the Vision of Rural Industrial Vitalization》于1012日在《Sustainability》在线发表,林明水博士为第一作者,林娟博士为通讯作者,我院为第一署名单位,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所为第二署名单位;论文《A study on the influence mechanism of vandalism intention of outbound tourists based on extended theory of Planned Behavior model》于923日在《Applied Ecology and Environmental Research》在线发表,林明水博士为第一作者,曾艳芳博士为第三作者,肖新霓博士生为通讯作者,我院为第一署名单位,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所为第二署名单位;论文《Estimates of Daily PM2.5 Exposure in Beijing  Using Spatio-Temporal Kriging Model》于88日在《Sustainability》在线发表,林明水博士为通讯作者,地理科学学院为第一署名单位,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所为第二署名单位,我院为第三署名单位。



[1] Lin, M. S., Lin, J., Lin, C.B., et al. Spatial Diffusion of Taiwan Enterprises in Mainland China under the Vision of Rural Industrial Vitalization. Sustainability 2018, 10(10): 3672-3690. DOI:10.3390/su10103672.https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/10/3672


[2]Lin, M. S., Yu, H., Zeng, Y. F., et al. A study on the influence mechanism of vandalism intention of outbound tourists based on extended theory of Planned Behavior model. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research,2018,16(5):5955-5969.DOI: 10.15666/aeer/1605_59555969(http://aloki.hu/indvolOF.htm)

(2)Applied Ecology and Environmental Research.pdf

[3] Lin, J.H. Zhang, A. Chen, W.H.Lin, M. S*. Estimates of Daily PM2.5 Exposure in Beijing  Using Spatio-Temporal Kriging Model[J]. Sustainability, 2018,10(8): 2772-2786. DOI:10.3390/su10082772.(https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/8/2772/htm)
